Wednesday, June 2, 2010

December to May 2010

I haven't blogged for a really long time. And actually, Kellie is the one that has done all the pictures. Here are a few shots of what we have been doing the last six, yes six months. We went to Christena's Dare program. They had some good speakers, one of whom I went to high school with, Murray City mayor Dan Snarr.

We had our usual Christmas Eve party. We did the nativity with all the grandkids. Jared and Jeni were Mary and Joseph because they were the only ones with a baby. Dad and I made quilts for several of the grandkids this year - six to be exact. Anyway it was good to be home for Christmas this year.
We went to Randy's and Connie's house for New Years. Jacie was sick but we had a fun time anyway. We watched a movie on their big screen in the basement and we played games and played on their WII.

Anna, Kenny and Caden in the family room, waiting for the movie.

We went to Britney's birthday in January. I forgot to take my camera for some of the kids birthdays. But we went to Savannah's in March and then we celebrated Olyvia's at Family Home Evening in April.

In the meantime though, February to be exact, we flew to Florida and helped Ben and Katie drive a moving van and their explorer to Pennsylvania where they bought a house and Ben had a new job waiting for him. Also he got his nurse anesthetist degree the end of January. Way to go Ben! After we got to Jacobus we spent the week helping them unpack and hanging curtains and blinds and putting up towel bars, etc. But we had some fun too. We especially liked visiting with them and playing with the kids but we went to the Hershey Factory and took a tour and sampled their chocolate and we spent our last day there in Washington D.C. taking in some of the sights.

This is Hershey Pennsylvania.

This is Dani and Jenna at the World War II war memorial. They loved getting dressed up in their new coats and boots.

Here we are at the Lincoln Memorial with the Washinton Monument in the background.

We went to Issybelle's birthday in March too.

The end of April we went to Jacie's school play in Blackfoot that she had two parts in. The next day we went to Allyssa's play in Clinton. They were both very good plays for Junior High students. The next week we went to Jared's graduation at the University of Utah. He got his bachelors degree. Way to go Jared! Stephen got his Associate's Degree the same day at the same time at Salt Lake Community College so we were unable to attend. But congratulations anyway. Kellie also received her Associate's Degree at Salt Lake Community College but she decided not to do the Cap and gown thing which turned out to be a really good thing. But congratulations anyway Kellie all three of you have worked hard and we are proud of you.

Jared and Jeni and Sophie

On May 19th we went to Blackfoot again and went to Randall's and Kenny's band and choir concerts. Kenny was chosen to play a solo in the band he was in. He did a really good job and then Randall sang in the Acapella Choir and played in the band. He composed a number for the whole band to play which he got to conduct. It was really good. The next week on May 27th we went up again for Randall's graduation from High School. Congratulations Randall. We also went
to Allyssa's piano recital in May and Mackey's Utah Program. It's amazing what you can learn about history in a few songs. We also went to the Freedom Festival at BYU that Christena sang in. And then all three girls, Christena, Savannah, and Olyvia participated in their school talent program that we were able to go see. They all sang and did a really good job. In our spare time we finished the little bedroom downstairs. Whew! I'm not sure how many months I could handle like this one. But we loved it all. Thanks family for including us.

Randall's graduation. Way to go!