Monday, January 26, 2009

Well howdy y'all. I guess this will be fun but I don't know for sure. We have been in the Jungles of Arkansas for so long we have lost a lot of what little technological understanding we had. That means I hope I'm doing this right. Anyway we are at the library and we are trying to get through and get home before the front gets here. We are supposed to have a big ice storm tonight and tomorrow and maybe more on Wednesday. They had a big one here a few years ago that shut down everything all the way across Arkansas. Nobody could get anyplace for 3 or 4 days. We are hoping that doesn't happen this week. It is supposed to be good by Friday. We hope so because we are going to Memphis to the Temple. We are going Friday about noon. We will do a session Friday night with Diane use to be Halling's brother. He works there on Friday nights. Then Saturday people from the Branch in Danville are coming to do Baptisms for the dead and we are going to help with that. We will get home about 5:00 pm Sat. It is a good 4 hour drive to Memphis. We are hoping to get to go with 2 families in the branch who have never been before we come home. They both have 2 kids to be sealed to them. We started teaching an English reading and writing class to 2 Hispanic couples last week. They speak fair English but don't really read it much and don't really write it at all. One of them is from El Salvador. He is in his 40's and has never been to school here or in El Salvador. He is trying real hard and really wants to learn. He was baptized the first Sunday we were here. The other man is not a member but his wife was baptized in November. We hope this helps him get baptized. The progam we are using for the class was developed and published by the Church just for these kind of people. It is scripture based and is meant to help them read the scriptures, write talks and give lessons in English as well as help them with everyday needs living here. One couple is legal the other is not but we really love them all. They were very upset when we told them we only had 23 weeks to work on this before we had to leave and go home.
Well, I better quit for now. Hope you all are fine there. We love you lots and we love the Lord for all he does for you and for us.
Love and God Bless
Elder (dad, grandpa, etc.) and Sister (mom, grandma, etc.) Smith

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Aren't they just they cutest grandparents ever!!!
Is this a mission or a vacation??

Yes you're a stud dad and mom now we all know where we get it from. he he he.

Mom and dad in front of the Memphis Temple. I think they probably go there once a month.

You guys are silly!

One of their zone conferences. By the way they totally spoil those elders. I'm just wondering if when they get back if we'll get invited over for dinner and dessert as much???

I love this picture of mom and dad. i'm glad you're warming up to those ones mom. Love you!

Hi Everyone!!

So I talked to dad the other day and asked him I could create him a blog. So I am. What I'm going to do is whenever mom and dad send me pictures I am going to just go ahead and post them on their blog so ya'll can see and keep you updated. But also I've given the info to mom and dad so that they can get on whenever they have time to and just write something like their testimony or something. Then when they get back they can just take it over and I'll show them how to do it. So when I have time in a day or two I'll get on and post some pictures and things for you all to see.